Want to help beautify Brownsville? The New York Restoration Project is back with its annual native tree giveaway at the Brownsville Library! This year’s native tree species include: Allegheny Serviceberry, American Beech, American Hornbeam, American Persimmon, American Plum, Bald Cypress, Basswood, Black Cherry, Black Gum, Black Locust, Eastern Red Cedar, Eastern Redbud, Elderberry, Flowering Dogwood, Highbush Blueberry, Honey Locust, Northern Red Oak, Pin Oak, Red Maple, Swamp White Oak, Sweetbay Magnolia, Sycamore, Washington Hawthorn, White Fringe Tree, Willow Oak, Winged Sumac, and Witchhazel.
You MUST register to pick up a tree, many trees will be available. Walk ins will have to register before grabbing a tree.