Latest Past Events

Brownsville Meetup: Economic Mobility in Our Community

Brownsville Community Culinary Center 69 Belmont, Brooklyn

Join us as we dive into the needs of Brownsville and continue our conversations on economic mobility for the community. We will also dive into the Commercial District Needs Assessment and how it effects Brownsville with perspective from the Pitkin BID and Community Board 16.


Make Brownsville Shine

Brownsville Community Justice Center 50 Belmont Ave, Brooklyn

It's never a dull day when you're making your neighborhood shine. Come join thee Pitkin Avenue BID as they beautify our community for Earth Day.

Youth Resource Fair

CAMBA Penn-Wortman Cornerstone 895 Pennsylvania Ave, Brooklyn

An upcoming partnership event with CAMBA we on Saturday, March 25th at Penn Wortman Cornerstone Community Center.  At this event, there will be tabling organizations from a variety of groups offering different opportunities for youth from ages 16-24, as well as workforce development opportunities.