The Haunted Villie

399 Rockaway Avenue 399 Rockaway Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

The Pitkin Avenue BID has brought many no-cost events to the Brownsville Community. The Holiday Market at Zion Triangle, Storefront for Brownsville, Summer Plazas, and Pitkin Palooza. To sustain those events, we partnered with 212 & Co. to design and develop an attraction in Brownsville that will last multiple weekends. Each ticket purchased will be used to sustain this installation and to create future attractions, events, and installations. Need a discount? Use the code Brownsvillestrong!


What in the Health?! Community Health Fair

Join Murse Dee and Distinguish this October for their community health fair! The mission is simple: Raise awareness in our underserved communities. We aim to connect our residents with services that will enhance their overall health and wellness, equip them with the right tools that will encourage healthy living, and ultimately decrease generational morbidity and mortality rates. If you would like to support or get involved with this event (including performers) please contact Murse Dee at 718-314-2451 or via email at


NYC Child Support Pay it Off Program A limited-time program called Pay It Off may help you lower the amount you owe in child support. See Link Below! Offered from October 17, 2022 to October 31, 2022, Pay It Off doubles the value of the payment (up to the amount you owe) that you make toward child support debt that is permanently owed to the New York City Department of Social Services (NYC DSS). When you make a minimum payment of $500, OCSS will match that amount to reduce your debt owed […]

B’Ville Hub: First Youth Development Meeting

Hello Neighbors! The Brownsville Hub Cooperative is here with another committee opportunity! This discussion is centered around Brownsville youth. The goal of this committee is to hear concerns of those ages 14-24, youth pathways to professional and personal development, and most importantly, how do we keep the youth engaged? We will kick off the discussion with a safety report created by the Brownsville Youth Council and invite all folks involved in childcare, youth development or recreation to join us as we share best practices, […]


B’Ville Hub: First Self-Sufficiency Meeting

Central Brooklyn EDC 444 Thomas Boyland St, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Hello Neighbors! The Brownsville Hub Cooperative is excited to kick off our first Self-Sufficiency Subcommittee meeting. The goal of this committee is to discuss cooperative economics and creating a self sustainable Brownsville. We want to also discuss food justice, entrepreneurship, and support current community projects. We hope that these recurring discussions will foster solutions that heal folks and lead to greater interpersonal and economic connections. This is an open invitation to all community organizations, residents, and other stakeholders to join each other in the […]


BHC Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting

The BHC is a community-member driven initiative designed for Brownsville residents to achieve economic mobility. The BHC will work to generate revenue as a community and to disrupt systems that contribute to a lack of economic progress. This begins with subcommittees in 5 focus areas: Access, Self-Sufficiency, Ownership, Youth Development, and Civic Engagement. In our research, we found that community members, organization leaders and more, found themselves asking: How do we get and keep young folks engaged and in the room? There are many […]

Veterans Appreciation Parade

Join Community Boards 3, 8 & 16 for an homage to our local veterans! The parade kicks off at the Bright Light Baptist Church (Park Place between Howard and Ralph).


3rd Annual Miss Teen Brownsville

Want to enter the most important pageant in Brownsville/East New York? Do you have a talent you wish to showcase? Let us know by December 11th so YOU can enter in the running to be MISS TEEN BROWNSVILLE!!

BMS Dental@Bristol Ribbon Cutting

BMS Dental 259 Bristol Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Just in time for Fall, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers has opened our newest Dental Location in Brownsville, BMS Dental@Bristol which is located in the Brownsville Health Action Center. We invite you to join us for our BMS Dental @ Bristol Ribbon Cutting Ceremony as we officially unveil this location


Free Mobile Mammogram

The American Italian Cancer Foundation will be hosting a free mobile mammogram screening event. Absolutely any person can schedule an appointment ages 40-79, that is not pregnant and without implants. * PLEASE NOTE* City and state workers are allowed 4 hours sick leave with NO CHARGE to their accrued leave for cancer screenings. If any questions, I can be reached at 347 423 5818.